Old South
First Congregational Church of Farmington
United Church of Christ

Some say that music
is how we pray best at Old South!
Our taste in music is as varied as the God who created us. On any given Sunday you might hear us worship the living God through hymns, Taize chants, or old spirituals. We primarily use The New Century Hymnal, which features many traditional melodies and lyrics that have been gently updated to convey a more expansive understanding of God and incorporate inclusive and pacifist language. You will also find "The Green Book" in our pews, which is a compilation of sacred songs and rounds, penned by our late, beloved choir master, Joel Hayden. We are blessed by the wealth of musical talent in our congregation. Our adult choir is led by Jane Parker and, accompanied by our organist, Mindi Worthley. Our music-makers also include a women's drumming circle as well as individuals within our congregation, many of whom offer “special music” during the summer months when our choir enjoys a much-deserved break.

Old South Choir
The Old South Choir performs an anthem each Sunday morning during the program year (September - early June), and is directed by Jane Parker, who brings many years of experience with vocal training and performance.
Rehearsing Sunday mornings at 8:30 am,
they invite everyone to join them in song!
The drummers of InnerRhythm meet weekly, enjoying drumming as a spiritual practice, sharing the rhythms and the fellowship of the group. InnerRhythm uses mid-eastern hand drums, such as the tambourine and tar, as well as some small hand percussion instruments, learning new material as well as playing familiar favorites from their 19 years together. In the past year, they have performed for the Farmington Area Ecumenical Ministry's Care and Compassion service, as well as occasional Sunday morning worship and vespers services. InnerRhythm welcomes new participants at any time--no prior drumming experience necessary! They can share instructional DVD's to complement the hands-on time together. InnerRhythm rehearses Thursdays at 4:30 pm in the Newman Wing Chapel.