Meet Our Staff
Rev. Marraine Kettell
Marraine Kettell, our pastor, hails from Durham, Maine. Previously, Marraine served churches in New York, Pennsylvania, and the Metropolitan Boston area. She was called to Old South in September, 2018. Now that she is back in Maine, Marraine enjoys her free time reconnecting with family and friends nearby.
Phyllis Pederson
Phyllis Pederson, our church’s office assistant, grew up on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi. She has lived in Maine for over 34 years and enjoys exploring Maine’s many land conservancies, spending time with family and friends, and working for the Old South church family.
Mindi Worthley
Our organist, Mindi Worthley, joined the Old South staff in 2023. Music has been an integral part of Mindi's life since an early age, when she began to play the piano. When she was 16 years old, she studied organ under Dorothy Olgivy at this same organ.
Jane Parker
Jane Parker, choir director, grew up in New Jersey and went to college in Indiana, Kansas and Western NY.
She has lived in Maine for 43 years, where she has taught music in Farmington public schools and voice at The University of Maine at Farmington. She has directed many musical theater productions, including Godspell at Old South where she also directed the junior choir.
The Moderator serves as the presiding officer of the church, leading all church meetings and guiding and overseeing the running of the church.
Currently, the Moderator position is a shared leadership team, nicknamed the "Mod Squad," and served by Sherry Jenckes, Donna Wheeler and Roy Scribner.
Contact Us
Church Office: 1-207-778-0424
Church Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9 am - 4 pm
(Church office is located in the rear of the building, by the Newman Wing entrance)
235 Main Street
Farmington, Maine 04938